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STATEMENT | Long-term Lease Secured

STATEMENT | Long-term Lease Secured

Danny Gaskin30 Mar 2023 - 19:30
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We are delighted to announce that Mulbarton Wanderers CIC have been granted a new 50 year lease for Mulberry Park.

Mulbarton Wanderers CIC has today secured a long-term ground lease of Mulberry Park. This significant news means several new opportunities for the club, in line with delivering our long-term strategy.

We can now enter a new chapter of our club’s history having pursued a longer lease since 2013. We will work with our various stakeholders to ensure Mulberry Park and the CIC can maximise its impact on the local community of Mulbarton and the surrounding areas.

Mulbarton Parish Council Chairman Mark Kerr said “The Parish Council are pleased to be in a position to provide support and stability to Mulbarton Wanderers Community Interest Company (CIC). The purpose of a CIC is to provide a community benefit that can support a number of activities. The council looks forward to the development of the CIC and sees this as a positive move. Best wishes for the future to all involved.”

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